Presentations in
conferences, workshops, seminars,...
- A
fully-constrained formulations of Einstein equations: setup and numerical
implementation, talk given at the 20th Joint seminar on
Cosmology and Gravitation Rikkyo University, Tokyo (Japan), October,
19th 2010
- Spectral
methods for the solution of Einstein equations and simulation of black
holes, seminar given at theDepartment of Physics
Rikkyo University, Tokyo (Japan), October, 14th 2010
- A
fully-constrained formulations of Einstein equations: setup and numerical
implementation, seminar given at the GReCo, Institut
d'Astrophysique de Paris Paris (France), February, 1st 2010
- A
constrained scheme for Einstein equations in numerical
relativity, seminar given at Laboratoire Jacques-Louis
Lions Paris (France), January, 27th 2010
- Formulation of Einstein equations and their numerical
solutions, seminar given at Institut de Physique
Théorique, CEA Saclay (France), November, 25th 2009
- L'Univers
comme laboratoire, Journées de prospective du GdR PCHE Palaiseau (France), September, 28th-29th 2009
- Improved
constrained scheme for the Einstein equations: An approach to the uniqueness
issue, talk given at the 12th Marcel Grossman meeting
(MG12) Paris (France), July, 13th-18th 2009
- Numerical relativity and the simulation of gravitational
waves, Seminar given at CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel (France), June 25th
- The Einstein
equations on a computer: formulations and numerical
solutions, Seminar given
at LPT Orsay (France), June
2nd 2009
- Relativistic numerical
models for stationary superfluid neutron stars, talk given
at the Pulsar workshop, Paris (France), November,
24th-26th 2008
- Gravitational field
equations,Spectral methods
and LORENE in the CoCoNuT code, lectures given at
the First CoCoNuT school, MPA Garching (Germany), November,
3rd-6th 2008
- Spectral methods for numerical relativity, lecture given
at Erice school Frontiers in numerical gravitational
astrophysics Erice (Sicily), June, 27th-July 4th 2008
- Ondes
gravitationnelles: états des lieux des détecteurs, public
conference at Les mercredis de l'Observatoire Paris (France),
March, 5th 2008
- Spectral metric solver and AH finder, talk given at the
first CoCoNuT meeting in Garching (Germany), February,
11th-13th 2008
- Constrained
evolution of gravitational-wave spacetimes, talk given at the
18th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
(GR18) Sydney (Australia), July, 8th-13th 2007
- A
combined spectral/Godunov code for the simulation of gravitational waves
from core collapse, talk given at Second International Conference
on Numerical Simulation of Space Plasma Flows Paris (France),
June, 11th-15th 2007
- Pulsars and
neutron stars: an introduction to observations and current
models, lecture given at Les Houches school on Exotic
nuclei: new challenges Les Houches (France), May, 7th-18th 2007
- A la
conquête des trous noirs: les trous noirs et les ondes
gravitationnelles, public conference at Limoges University ,
Limoges (France), october, 12th 2006
- Solution
of the gravitational wave tensor equation using spectral methods,
invited talk at the New Frontiers in
Numerical Relativity meeting, Potsdam (Germany), July
17 2006
- Fully-constrained
formulation of Einstein's field equations using Dirac gauge,
invited talk at the 70th annual meeting of the
Deutsche Physicalische Gesellschaft,
Munich (Germany), March 24 2006
- Relativité
numérique avec LORENE: étude de sources d'ondes
gravitationnelles, talk at 5ème semaine de
l'astrophysique française organized at Strasbourg (France), june 30 2005
- Sources
astrophysiques d'ondes gravitationnelles, Seminar
given at DAPNIA, CEA Saclay (France),
June 21st 2005
- Les
ondes gravitationnelles et l'expérience VIRGO, public
conference at Anciens de la Radio et de l'Électronique
Paris (France), May, 24th 2005
- Fully-constrained
formulation of Einstein's field equations using Dirac gauge,
invited talk at Problems in Computational Astrophysics: workshop
III Relativistic Astrophysics UCLA (USA), May, 3rd 2005
- Modélisation
de sources astrophysiques d'ondes gravitationnelles, Seminar
given at Centre d'Étude
Spatial du Rayonnement (CESR) Toulouse (France), february 24 2005
- Evolution of
massive black hole binaries and Stars and gravitational waves in AGN
disks , talk at Première réunion
LISA-France (Collège de France, january 21 2005)
- Ondes
gravitationnelles: une nouvelle fenêtre sur l'Univers,
public conference during Journées du patrimoine
organized at Observatoire de Paris
september, 18th 2004
- Mariage des
maillages: A new 3D general relativistic hydro code, talk at 17th
International Conference on General Relativity (Dublin
(Ireland), July, 21st 2004)
- Simulation
of gravitational waves from core collapse events in general relativity,
talk at 4ème semaine de l'astrophysique française
organized at Jussieu(Paris,
june 14-18 2004)
- Ondes
gravitationnelles et physique des astres compacts, Seminar
given at Service d'Astrophysique du
CEA (Saclay, february 12 2004)
- Sources
astrophysiques d'ondes gravitationnelles pour VIRGO et LISA, talk
at Journées de prospective
astroparticules à l'Observatoire de Paris, (Meudon
january 14 2004)
- Langage Objet
pour la RElativité NumériquE: une bibliothèque
à la disposition de tous, talk
at Atelier ASSNA 2003 (IDRIS Orsay,
december 16 2003)
- Ondes
gravitationnelles et physique des astres compacts, talk at Journée du LUTH
(Observatoire de Meudon, november 13 2003)
- "Mariage des
maillages" for core collapse simulations in general relativity
talk at Joint Burst 2003 / 5th EU-network meeting "Sources of
Gravitational Radiation" (LAL, Orsay, May 19-22 2003)
- Ondes
gravitationnelles basses fréquences et relativité
numérique, talk at Journées de prospective
astroparticules de Paris 7 (Dieppe, november 17 2002)
- Sources
astrophysiques d'ondes gravitationnelles, Seminar given at Laboratoire de Physique des LASERs,
Université Paris 13 (Villetaneuse, november 8, 2002)
- Gravitational
waves from supernovae talk at First SNNS
meeting (IPN, Orsay, march 21 2002)
- Solving wave
equation with spectral methods , talk at the Mid-Term
Review of the EU Network Sources of Gravitational
Radiation (Southampton, UK, January 28 2002)
- Relativité
numérique en astrophysique, talk at Gravitation
et expérience 2001 (Grasse, october 9, 2001)
- Covariant conformal
formulation of Einstein equations and Dirac formulation for numerical
relativity, talk at Journées
Relativistes 2001 (Dublin, Ireland, September 6 2001)
- Testing General
Relativity by looking for scalar gravitational waves, talk at VIRGO
meeting (Pisa, october 17 2000)
- Monopolar
gravitational wave signal from the collapse of a stellar core to a
neutron star, talk at 19th Texas symposium
(Paris, december 18, 1998)
- Étude
numérique de sources de rayonnement gravitationnel en
théorie tenseur-scalaire de la gravité, Soutenance
de thèse de doctorat de l'Université Paris 7 (Meudon, March 11 1998)
Note: These documents are in PDF format.
In addition there is a
brief CV and presentation at
École des Nouveaux Chargés de REcherches
(ENCRE), (Autrans, june 7-14 2001)
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