Brandon CARTER
(LUTh, ObsPM):
Nouveax et anciens Articles Disponibles -

Classical Anthropic Everett model: indeterminacy in a preordained universe,
B. Carter, Journal of Cosmology
14 , 2011.
Anthropic measure of hominid (and other) terrestrials,
B. Carter,
Observatoire Paris-Meudon, October 2010.
Dynamics of Strings and Branes, with application
to Junctions and Vortons,
B. Carter, lecture presentation,
Paris, May 2009.
Le principe anthropique,
B. Carter, propos recuellis par D. Fossé,
P. Henarejos, Ciel et Espace   456
(mai 2008) 28-34.
Black Hole Equilibrium States, Part 1: Analytic and Geometic
properties of the Kerr solution,
B. Carter, in Black Holes (Les Houches 1972)
ed B and C. DeWitt, (Gordon Breach, New York 1973)) 57-124
Black Hole Equilibrium States, Part 2: General Theory of
Stationary Black Hole States,
B. Carter, in Black Holes (Les Houches 1972)
ed B and C. DeWitt, (Gordon Breach, New York 1973)) 125-214.
Cosmological expansion and thermodynamic mechanisms in cosmic
string dynamics,
B. Carter, M. Sakellariadou, X. Martin,
Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 682-699.
Separability of the Killing-Maxwell system underlying the
generalised angular momentum constant in the Kerr-Newman
black hole metrics,
B. Carter, J. Math. Phys.
28 (1987) 1535-1538.
Fields in nonaffine bundles:
B. Carter, Phys. Rev.
D33 (1986)
I The general bitensorially covariant differentiation procedure
, 983-990;
II Gauge coupled generalisationof harmonic mappings and their
Bunting identities
, 991-996.
Perfect fluid and magnetic field
conservation laws in the theory of black hole accretion
B. Carter, in Active Galactic Nuclei, ed. C. Hazard,
S. Mitton
(Cambridge 1979) 273-300.
Generalised total angular
momentum operator for the Dirac equation in curved space-time,
B. Carter, R.G. McLenaghan, Phys. Rev.
D19 (1979) 1093-1097.
Killing tensor quantum numbers
and conserved quantities in curved space,
B. Carter, Phys. Rev.
D16 (1977) 3395-3414.
Gravitational and acoustic waves in an elastic medium,
B. Carter, H. Quintana, Phys. Rev.
D16 (1977) 2928-2938.
Axisymmetric Black Hole Has Only Two Degrees of Freedom,
B. Carter, Phys. Rev. Lett.
26 (1971) 331-333.
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Killing horizons and orthogonally transitive groups in space-time,
B. Carter, J. Math. Phys.
10 (1969) 70-81.
Global structure of the Kerr family of gravitational fields,
B. Carter, Phys. Rev.
174 (1968) 1559-1571.
Complete analytic extension of the symmetry axis of Kerr's
solution of the Einstein equations,
B. Carter, Phys. Rev.
141 (1966) 1242-1247.
Hamilton-Jacobi separable spaces.
B. Carter, Cambridge Ph.D. Thesis,
Chapters III and IV (D.A.M.T.P., 1967).
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